Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Reminder About Homework!

Hello there,

I just want to remind you of your homework for this Saturday:

1.  Finish Reading A Raisin in the Sun

2.  Write first two pages of your draft for the final paper.  Print and come to class with 2 copies of this work.

Thank you!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

A Raisin in the sun mama

Myra Khan
EN 102 –C6A/6C

Choose a character from the play, A Raisin in the Sun, and create a character map of sorts.  Describe this character and his/her significance in the play.  What do they dream of having?  Why did you choose to discuss this character?  What about their personality and presence in the play spoke to you as a reader?

Mama (also known as Lena Younger); is the mother of Walter and Beneatha, she lost her husband after losing her baby. Mama is a proud woman who knows how to carry herself; she is also a very religious person and has high morals. She loves her children and calls them her “harvest”. Her dream is using her husband’s insurance money to put a down payment on a house with a backyard so she could see her family and her move up in the world since that is her dream. I chose to discuss Mama, because she is an interesting character, who is a hard worker that tries to do as much as possible for her children even though they can’t see eye to eye with her. Especially when time comes around about the insurance money; she wants to use it to buy a house, but not for her but for her children since it has been her dream to see her family go up in the world. Mama’s personality did speak out to me because she is a really strong woman personality and religious wise. Even though Mama was denied a lot of things in her life and she lost her husband. Her faith kept increasing even though she went through so much, she stayed positive not only for herself but for her children as well. And her strong character was really amazing because for an old woman that is really hard; losing almost everything and still being positive.   

Marilyn Cruz

Corona Raquel

11/14/ 2014


In the play, A Raisin in the sun, the character that called my attention the most was Walter Lee, he aimed to convince his mother of giving him the money of his father insurance so that he can invested in a liquor store and this way get the money they need to improve they living conditions. They live in a small house with a tremendous amount of people not only that, they had to share the bathroom with the neighbors. Ruth who happen to be Walter lee wife’s seemed tired and with no hope that the situation they lived in will ever change. Travis Walter and ruts sons appear as a young boy who wants to do after school work in order to get some money and who doesn’t even had his own room and have to sleep in the living room. Mama Lena who appear as a strong and supporting mother and a religious women. Beneatha the little sister who wants to become a doctor and who also receive part of the money of his father insurance to study. she seems more educated and smart than the rest of her Family members.  Last but not least Bobo who happen to be Walter lee friend and partner.

Walter lee younger appears in the play as the main character. I choose to discuss this character personality because I like that his a dreamer. He wants to get out of poverty by making business with two partner.  In this play Walter and his sister Beneatha are the only ones who are willing to change their economic situation. Walter lee sees his father insurance money as the solution to all they problem. Even though he is a dreamer and he be getting idea in how to get rich, he never seemed to put effort in getting the money in some other ways, like working and saving money or looking for a better job, instead he wants to do things the easy way just by taking his father money. Walter lee is the kind of person that blamed others for things that happen to him. He said that none of his family member support him in achieving his dream and that colored women (referring to his wife) “don’t understand about building their man up and making feel like they somebody.” To me in the way that he referred to his wife is very disrespectful, which make me focus more in his personality. He believe that by putting this liquor store he will get rich and will have everything he ever wanted. His also a selfish person because he be fighting with his younger sister over the money. He think that his mother is wasting the money on her and that she should be a doctor. He strong personality and the fact that he wants to be successful, makes me like this character and as a reader I always look for the ones that make the play more interesting to read and for me lee personality and attitude toward the story make it even more interesting and fun to read.
Siren Peralta
Prof. Raquel Corona
English 102

Choose a character from the play, A Raisin in the Sun, and create a character map of sorts.
Describe this character and his/her significance in the play. What do they dream of having? Why
did you choose to discuss this character? What about their personality and presence in the play
spoke to you as a reader?

        In a Raisin in the Sun the character who caught my attention the most was Mama as I was

reading through the play . You can say that she's the " man/voice " of the house. She makes

sure everyone is fine  most of all, her grandchild. Mama is a strong black woman who's

kind and doesn't mind to express how she feels . She wants things to be done the right way all

the time. Her  biggest dream is to see her family safe, happy, but most of all at peace. Why I chose

to consider this protagonist Mama is because I like the way she views the world. No matter the

struggle of being poor and also a black woman, Mama stills manages to be happy with what she

has. She also has hope and knows how to run the money that was left for her.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Ruth Younger

Aneesa Baptiste
Prof. Raquel Corona
English 102

Choose a character from the play, A Raisin in the Sun, and create a character map of sorts. Describe this character and his/her significance in the play. What do they dream of having? Why did you choose to discuss this character? What about their personality and presence in the play spoke to you as a reader?


In A Raisin in the Sun, of all the characters that are mentioned in the first two scenes, the one that interest me the most was Ruth Younger. Her role as wife, mother, daughter, sister is an important role for one person. In the first scene, there is turmoil between Ruth and her husband Walter. Walter is to absorb with his dreams and ideas about opening a liquor store business with the insurance check that he fails to see at first the disapproval from his wife. The lack of finance and the struggle to hold the family together during this time was taking a toll on her. She do seem to love her husband but it also seems she thinks that Walter's dreams are hollow and does not have enough faith to believe in him anymore. Ruth's dreams seems to be simple, to build a happy family and live out her life being moderately comfortable. When she finds out that she is pregnant she becomes worried that this will cause a financial burden on them which prompted her to make a down payment to have an abortion. Ruth is not a selfish individual. She puts her family first and takes things in stride. The treatment from her husband isn't making her any more happy but she seems to be an emotionally strong person that will go through thick or thin for her family.


Mama tend to remind me of my grandma. They seem to share the same qualities. They both are religious and not only think about themselves but also their family. It's amazing as well as to how a woman is the head of the household at that point of time (normally it's a man). However, she seem to make wise decisions as to what to do with things, such as her money. She also disliked Walters "liquor store" idea not because she was selfish but because she knows what that would lead to. All she ever wanted was to make her children happy and provide for them. She wanted to get a house with the money she was receiving so that they will be able to live happily, which means Travis will also get his own room. Also, she planned on helping her daughter with schooling tuition. I just enjoy that way she handle every situation with authority and dignity.


                  Neomi Castro

                Reading response

                November 14, 2014

                 Choose a character from the play, *A Raisin in the Sun*, and create a character map of sorts. Describe this character and his/her significance in the play. What do they dream of having? Why did you choose to discuss this character? What about their personality and presence in the play spoke to you as a reader?


                There are many characters in “A Raisin in the Sun”. One of those characters is a young female lady who is called Beneatha. Beneatha is Walter’s little sister and Lena’s daughter. Beneatha in the story is described as a pretty young slim girl in her 20s. “Different from the rest of the family’s insofar as education” meaning she is different from the rest of her family, in the story she is known as the educated in the play.

                She has an important role in the play because in Walter’s eye she’s considered the spoiled smart one. I say this because in page 496, Beneatha mention that her brother constantly asking and questioning her about her school and career “Beneatha: And what did I answers yesterday morning-and the day before that?” Beneatha goal in the story is to become a doctor. Walter says “Who the hell told you you had to be a doctor?” In this statement clearly Beneatha’s brother Walter states that she doesn’t have to be a doctor.


                I feel that Beneatha is going to be struggling in her life. The story takes place between World War 2, meaning that women don’t have as much rights as men do and racism was still going on. Beneatha is an African American 20 year old trying to be a doctor during this time. In page 498 “Walter: Who the hell told you to be a doctor... Then go be a nurse like other women or just get married and be quiet”. In one sentence, Walter describes the struggles and how a women life is at that time period. He compares Beneatha to the other women of that time period. “Just get married and be quiet,” meaning that at this time period women didn’t have a say in their marriage, they would just stay quiet.