Friday, October 31, 2014

Antigone question 1

After reading the first part of the play (first few pages) I thought creon was a leader who enforces the law. However after reading on I discover that he's just a selfish leader. He has a lot of requirements and expect things to be done his way. The first thing he declared was the very harsh. He proclaims that while the body of Eteocles will be buried with dignity, the corpse of Polyneices will be left to rot on the field of battle. How can a family member do this to you? That's not all though. Anybody who tries to honor Polyneices's body with burial will be sentenced to death. At this pour I started to hate him. 
However, what seem to be a flaw is kind of a way of virtue. The city is coming back from a state of total anarchy so it needs a leader like creon, a very stern one. So if Thebes gets a weak leader it is possible for the city to go back to its crises.

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