Friday, November 14, 2014

Mama :)

Mama - I love Mama. She reminds me so much of my grandmother. I envision her as this sweet little old lady with tight grey curls, little glasses, short, an apron on and the type to threathen someone with a rolling pin. Mama tries to make everyone happy yet she keeps the family in check at all times. Mama I feel is done living for herself and wants the best of everyone in the family from her daughter and son to grand babies and daughter in law. She wants to make sure that everyone is stable, happy and set before she goes. She could spend that money on anything she wants but she chooses to use it for a house so Ruth can have her kitchen, Travis his own room and all she wants for herself is a little garden in the corner of the yard. What i like about Mama is that she is sweet and spicy. Grandma has a kick to her. She has that no nonsense attitude but a heart of gold and would be the first to help someone out. She reminds me of my grandmother strong, free spirited,    a great mother and grandmother. Mama is the foundation in the play. She keeps Walter on point, Travis in check, she is the shoulder for Ruth to lean on and vent too and she keeps Beneatha from running wild. I feel without Mama around the house would be in shambles. Maybe even Ruth and Walter would not end up staying together. Only a mother can semi keep their son in check....those men I tell ya. I think Mama needs to whoop Walter a good one because I do not like his attitude that wouldnt be me.

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