Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Questions for the First Week of Class

Hello there!

Welcome to our blog site!  Please remember that your reading responses are due at 6PM on Fridays!  Every week you'll have about 2 to 3 short stories to read.  You have to submit ONE reading response of 300 words.  You get to decide if you want to respond to ONE of the questions below or write about a subject of your own.  PLEASE DO NOT SUMMARIZE THE STORIES - THIS IS NOT THE PURPOSE OF THE WRITING EXERCISE.

Each week I'll provide questions for each story - it is up to YOU to choose ONE question!  Please DO NOT respond to ALL the questions listed below.

Thank you and see you in a few days!

Prof. Raquel

"Araby" by James Joyce

1.  How do the first three paragraphs of "Araby" characterize the environment in which the narrator lives?

2.  What kind of "vanity" does the narrator attribute to himself at the story's end?  Why is he filled with "anguish and anger?"

"Hills Like White Elephants" by Ernest Hemingway

1.  Point of view includes what characters see.  Notice each use of the word "look."  What does each person in the story look at, and what does each person seem to understand or feel?  Is there anything in the story that none of these people would be able to see or know?  How do the different kinds of observation add to the effect of the story?

2.  Research the phrase "white elephant."  What is the significance of this phrase in the story's title?

"A&P" by John Updike

1.  Notice how artfully Updike arranges details to set the story in a perfectly ordinary supermarket. What details stand out as particularly true to life?  What does this close attention to detail contribute to the story?

2.  At the end of the story Sammy says, “I felt how hard the world was going to be to me hereafter.” What does he mean?  What do you think he learned from this experience?  Do you believe this is a "genuine" statement made by the narrator?  Why or why not?  Why would the writer have the character make this huge declaration?

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