Friday, October 31, 2014

Suranie Jodha

Creon character portray as a selfish king, he wants everything to be done his way if not he will punish or kill them. In my opinion I felt like he is taking advantage of his power and he lets it get to his head.  As I read the play Creon is full of pride and ambition. He is portraying in this way because the writer wants us to feel his power and wrath as a ruler. He believes whatever he say is right and if anyone dares to question his authority has put to death.  From the beginning of the play he sound like a smart leader and knows what he is doing but then again as I read I concluded that he is full of pride. He thinks because he has power he can do whatever he want and get away with it because he doesn’t have to answer to anyone. I think his main flaw is the inability to listen to his people; he only wants to judge and administer punishment and he is also very stubborn.

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